Is Aristotle to “Sex” What Plato is to “Gender”?


  • Diana Ibarra Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada


Aristotle, Plato, sex, gender, corporality


In her analysis of Aristotle and Plato, Diana Ibarra perceives a decisive difference with respect to their respective descriptions of man and woman; one that emerges from her examination of Aristotle’s theory that the state should function based on the concept of corporality. The author observes that corporality determines the role of the person in her/his social function in relation to the ideas of power and body. Plato, in contrast, suggests a distinction that develops out of the idea of gender, in which the social construction of the person is grounded upon the idea of the difference in souls; an approach where education allows the individual to develop and become a value for both her/himself and the state.

Author Biography

Diana Ibarra, Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada

Doctoranda en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México con el tema de investigación: “Construcción de la identidad femenina a partir de la Teoría de las Capacidades de Martha Nussbaum”. Obtuvo la Maestría en Historia del Pensamiento por la Universidad Panamericana con la Tesis: “Contrastaciones eidéticas en la antropología femenina de Platón”. Ha sido coordinadora de Humanidades de la Universidad Panamericana. Es especialista en temas de Género, Familia, Antropología Filosófica y la obra de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.


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How to Cite

Ibarra, D. (2011). Is Aristotle to “Sex” What Plato is to “Gender”?. Devenires, 12(24), 106–125. Retrieved from


