Heidegger’s Ontological Closure
racism, metaphysics, biopolitics, birth certificates, people, transcendentalAbstract
Ontological Closure is the consequence of the ontological difference that Heidegger established between “authentic existence” and “unauthentic existence”; i.e., between historical peoples and peoples that are not, indeed cannot, be. Hence, ontological closure implies, both philosophically and politically, the “destruction” of that ontology based on the infinite plurality of Lebenswelt. This ontological state not only separates one kind of existence from another through the historicity of being, but opens an abyss between Dasein=Volk and the open life. It is only on the basis of the existence/life dichotomy that Heidegger can demand, from his “hermeneutic situation”, the “birth certificates” of the categories of Greek thought.
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