Poetry and philosophy

A Heideggerian meditation on the onto-theo-logical concept of God and the poetic understanding of the divine


  • Lucero González Suárez UIA


being, language, poetry, philosophy, Heidegger


The aim of this meditation is to explain the sense in which the philosopher ponders being, while the poet names the sacred. It sets out from a critique of the onto-theological concept of God, which was destined to reveal its own inadequacy for understanding religious-mystical experience. Later, the language of metaphysics was counterposed to that of poetry, understood as the first word that melds the world and all things in its being. After elaborating the phenomenological description of the vital attitudes that give rise to philosophy and poetry, the essay shows the latter’s primacy for manifesting ontological meaning and the events of the divine (God and gods).

Author Biography

Lucero González Suárez, UIA

Licenciada en Filosofía (con mención honorífica); maestra en Filosofía y doctora en Filosofía (con mención honorífica) por la UNAM. Becaria Conacyt en el Departamento de Filosofía y profesora de asignatura del Departamento de Ciencias Religiosas de la Universidad Iberoamericana. Coautora del libro “El individuo frente a sí mismo. El pensamiento de Soren Kierkegaard”. Ha publicado en Cuestiones Teológicas. Revista de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Revista de Filosofía Open Insight; Revista Estudios de Filosofía de la Universidad de Antioquía; Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología; Revista Iberoamericana de Teología; Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones de la Universidad Complutense; Revista Filosofía Uis de la Universidad Industrial de Santander; y Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Iberoamericana.



How to Cite

González Suárez, L. (2016). Poetry and philosophy: A Heideggerian meditation on the onto-theo-logical concept of God and the poetic understanding of the divine. Devenires, 17(34), 127–155. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/238


