A dead man’s “great exterior”

From magical realism to the magic of the real


  • Laureano Ralón UMSNH


Quiroga, magical realism, new realism


This article proposes a speculative exegesis of Horacio Quiroga’s “The dead man” from a perspective akin to new realism and object-oriented ontology. It sets out from the general premise that this tale is an important precursor of magical realism in literature, and seeks to identify –in its texture– the concrete conditions of the actualization of this genre as such. It posits that “The dead man” grants us access to a kind of “great exterior” that is non-correlative to anthropocentric thought: an ultra-world without givenness where life and death seem to be superimposed on a plane of perfect immanence, a “kingdom of this world” in which objects rule. Thus, it contrasts this absolute dimension with postmodernity’s endless relativism and fascination with “the death of man”, while characterizing the magical realist genre, not through the wellknown opposition of reality/magic, but on the basis of the emergence of a real that imposes its own magic. 

Author Biography

Laureano Ralón, UMSNH

(Buenos Aires, 1977) es licenciado y magíster en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Simon Fraser University de Canadá, donde se desempeñó como asistente de cátedra (Center for Online and Distance Education) e investigación (Center for Policy-Research on Science and Technology, New Media Innovation Center). Trabajó asimismo como intérprete (The Provincial Language Service of British Columbia) y fundó el portal de difusión académica Figure/Ground (www.figureground.org). En Buenos Aires, dirigió el Observatorio de Canadá del Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales. Actualmente es becario CONACyT y doctorando en Filosofía por la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.


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How to Cite

Ralón, L. (2017). A dead man’s “great exterior”: From magical realism to the magic of the real. Devenires, 18(35), 197–227. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/216




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