The Ontology of One-Dimensional Society and the Critique of Technological Rationality

Heidegger’s influence on Marcuse’s later work


  • Jordi Magnet Colomer UB


Marcuse, Heidegger, one-dimensionality, technological rationality


Heidegger’s influence on Marcuse’s later work –which is only implicit in Eros and Civilization (1955) given the overriding importance of Freudian psychoanalysis there (1)– reappears explicitly in One-Dimensional Man (1964), but on two mutuallyinterdependent levels: the analysis of reification in one-dimensional postwar societies (2), and the critique of technological rationality (4). Certain conceptual weaknesses present in both works that derive largely from their reception of Heidegger’s thought, have been underscored by authors belonging to the so-called Husserlian Left (P. A. Rovatti and P. Piccone, etc.) (3).

Author Biography

Jordi Magnet Colomer, UB

Licenciado en Sociología y doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB). Miembro del comité editorial de Oxímora. Revista Internacional de Ética y Política y de la Sociedad de Estudios de Teoría Crítica (SETC). Últimas publicaciones: “Los fundamentos de la ética discursiva en Habermas y Apel”, Eikasia: revista de filosofía, Núm. 56, 2014, pp. 75-90; “Karel Kosík, marxismo y heideggerianismo en los albores de la Primavera de Praga”, Laguna: Revista de filosofía, Núm. 35, 2014, pp. 111-130; “El joven Marcuse y su camino de Heidegger a Horkheimer”, Eikasia: revista de filosofía, Núm. 49, 2013, pp. 223-240.


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How to Cite

Magnet Colomer, J. (2017). The Ontology of One-Dimensional Society and the Critique of Technological Rationality: Heidegger’s influence on Marcuse’s later work. Devenires, 18(35), 41–72. Retrieved from


