What is philosophy of culture?

The philosophy of culture as a critical perspective and research program


  • Mario Teodoro Ramírez Facultad de Filosofía, UMSNH


philosophy of culture, critical perspective, research program


Around the concept of "philosophy of culture", a discussion of the relations between philosophy and culture is presented here from an interactive, not unilinear perspective, that is, from a dialectical perspective. We consider that this perspective is a condition for any adequate approach to the philosophical problems posed by culture. In a first section, we propose a "cultural" approach to philosophical activity and its concept, trying to get away from what would be a merely reductionist, antiphilosophical position in the end. Under this approach, we specify in a second section what we understand by "philosophy of culture", which includes both a philosophical theory of culture and a reflection on the cultural tasks of philosophy and the relationship between philosophical thought and cultural tradition. Finally, in the third section, we present a specific conclusion on the levels and objectives of the philosophy of culture understood as a "research programme".


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How to Cite

Ramírez, M. T. (2000). What is philosophy of culture? : The philosophy of culture as a critical perspective and research program. Devenires, 1(1), 16–38. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/139




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