Aesthetic judgment as model of phronesis

Albrecht Wellmer’s critic to Hannah Arendt


  • Mario Teodoro Ramírez Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Arendt, Albrecht Wellmer, Kant, phronesis, Aesthetic judgment


The intuition of the German thinker Hannah Arendt about Kant’s conception of “aesthetic judgment” provides us an incomparable model to understand the human action and interaction in its multiple fields, particularly in political life. Arendt says that the best way to find out what Kant thought about political philosophy consists in the return to his Critic of Aesthetic Judgment, where having discussed the production of art related to the taste that judges them and decides about them, facing an analogous problem. According to the arendtiant viewpoint it will be consider the critic that makes Albrecht Wellmer, specifying the dispute between a “subjective” conception and a “discursive” conception of the faculty of judgment. This is to perceive that Kant’s conception of aesthetic judgment still keeps relations and shades that could help us to go out from those comparisons and rethink the human capacity of judgment in all its extent and depth, penetrating into its consequences for a redefinition of the being of thinking and the irreducible qualities of human praxis.

Author Biography

Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Licenciado en Filosofía por la UMSNH. Maestro y Doctor en Filosofía por la UNAM. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (nivel II). Profesor de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo desde hace 27 años. Director de la Facultad de Filosofía en dos periodos (1985-1989 y 1998-2002), Jefe del Posgrado de la misma Facultad (1993-1997) y Secretario General de la Universidad Michoacana (2003-2004). Ha impartido cursos de historia de la filosofía, estética, filosofía de la cultura y filosofía mexicana, y participado en varios congresos nacionales internacionales. Ha publicado diversos artículos y los libros: Retorno a lo sensible, Morelia, Fonapas, 1980. El quiasmo. Ensayo sobre la filosofía de Merleau-Ponty, Morelia, UMSNH, 1994. Cuerpo y arte. Para una estética merleaupontyana, UNEM, 1996. De la razón a la praxis. Vías hermenéuticas, México, Siglo XXI, 2003. Es co-autor y coordinador de los libros: Filosofía de la cultura en México, México, Plaza y Valdés, 1997 (2ª. ed. 2004). Variaciones sobre arte, estética y cultura, México, UMSNH, 2002.



How to Cite

Ramírez, M. T. . (2005). Aesthetic judgment as model of phronesis: Albrecht Wellmer’s critic to Hannah Arendt. Devenires, 6(11), 35–46. Retrieved from




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