Education and freedom of thought.

Analysis of the Kantian ideal of Enlightenment



Kant, immaturity, education, freedom of thought, obedience


This article seeks to analyze Kant’s enlightened ideal and the relation between education and freedom of thought, following the Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung? of 1784. To achieve this, I will do four things: first, understand the sense in which Kant speaks about a self-incurred immaturity (Unmündigkeit); second, out- line Kant’s criticism to tutors that attempt against the human vocation of thinking for oneself; third, distinguish the public use of reason from its private use in order to clarify what Kant understands by freedom of thought; and finally, link freedom of thought with the enlightened ideal.


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How to Cite

Casales García, R. (2020). Education and freedom of thought.: Analysis of the Kantian ideal of Enlightenment. Devenires, 21(42), 9–32. Retrieved from




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