About the Journal

The ININEE CIENCIA Magazine Dissemination Magazine of the Institute of Economic and Business Research, emerged in 2022 with the objective of being an instrument for the dissemination of scientific knowledge generated in the Institute of Economic and Business Research of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (ININEE) through its various Study Centers and Research Programs, in addition to allowing the scientific dissemination of other research entities and allowing communication work beyond traditional scientific media. The aim is to achieve the linkage of knowledge with actors not necessarily linked to the scientific field, but who can nevertheless use the scientific knowledge generated for their daily work. It seeks to generate discussion and debate of scientific knowledge that allows access to more concrete, tangible, and useful links of science and knowledge generated. In this context, the magazine presents sections dedicated to scientific articles, audiovisual and artistic dissemination, forums and conferences, among other publications.

Therefore, the ININEE CIENCIA journal, Dissemination Magazine of the Institute of Economic and Business Research, is a SEMESTERL electronic publication, aimed at the university community and the public interested in topics associated with the social sciences. Its main objective is to communicate topics related to public administration, political science, communication, demography and economics through the publication of articles and reviews that recover and revitalize the great contemporary theoretical challenges in this field.



1. The publication will adhere to the Declaration of the International Open Access Movement in order to contribute to increasing the visibility, access and dissemination of scientific production, therefore, the authors and collaborators of the articles transfer the copyright to the ININEE CIENCIA magazine, so that it may publish them in printed and/or electronic format, including the Internet.

2. The ININEE CIENCIA magazine will seek to provide open access to its content, based on offering the public free access to research, always seeking greater global exchange of knowledge for the benefit of society.



The thematic coverage of the ININEE CIENCIA magazine will be the Social Sciences
which would include, among others:

  • Public administration.
  • Politic science
  • Communication
  • Demography
  • Economy

Scientific dissemination products will be accepted in the form of articles, book reviews, scientific reviews and audiovisual materials related to science. Scientific dissemination products must be unpublished and disseminate scientific knowledge.



  • The objective of the ININEE CIENCIA magazine is to be a communication instrument and a bridge for dissemination to society and the interested public of the scientific knowledge generated at the Institute of Economic and Business Research of the Universidad Michoacana (ININEE) through its various Study Centers. and Research Programs.


  • Allow scientific dissemination of national and international research bodies and enable communication work to society beyond traditional scientific media.


  • Achieve the linking of knowledge with actors not necessarily linked to the scientific field but who can nevertheless use the scientific knowledge generated for their daily work.


  • Generate discussion and debate of scientific knowledge that allows access to more concrete, tangible and useful links of science and knowledge generated.


  • Communicate relevant events linked to the daily scientific work of the Institute of Economic and Business Research of the Universidad Michoacana (ININEE).



The ININEE CIENCIA magazine is committed to promoting ethical conduct as a research publication; takes as reference the principles proposed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in Guest edited collections best practice (https://doi.org/10.24318/7cKLAia0). The most important rules are:
Applicable to the magazine:

1. Provide details on the functions and duties of the members of the
editorial board, director, editor-in-chief, associate editors, referees and authors.
2. Consult the members of the editorial board in a timely manner to evaluate their opinions on the operation of the journal and on the planned changes to its policies and guidelines.
3. Receive the articles sent to your portal and check that they comply with the focus and scope of the magazine. If there is a positive result in the first review, the article is sent to two reviewers, specialists in the subject, whose observations and proposals are sent to the author. Once this process has been completed, the publication of the article is scheduled if it has been accepted, and the approval process is carried out.
corresponding edition.
4. Inform the author of the phase of the editorial process in which the submitted text is.
5. Ensure manuscripts are subjected to anti-plagiarism review using the PLAGIUM software.
6. Discard manuscripts for publication if unethical conduct on the part of the author is determined in the submitted work. Among the unethical behaviors are the following:
6.1. Reuse your own material that has already been published without indicating the reference
to previous work.
6.2. Altering the data collection date of an investigation to present them in an article as if they were recent.
6.3. Present an article as original when it has already been published in another language or another journal, or by another author(s).
6.4. Use ideas, tables, figures or photographs from another author without mentioning the source.
6.5. Have submitted the manuscript to another journal simultaneously.
6.6. Cite false bibliographical references that alter the veracity of the article.
7. Those responsible and their editorial committees will remain in office
for a period of three years and may be renewed therein.


Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales


Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales