The culture of baroque

Figures and ironies of identity


  • José M. González García Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC, Madrid


culture, baroque, irony


Within the framework of current arguments on identity (either individual or either collective), as well as within the current recovery of the baroque ethos, this paper explores the critical sense of the identity conception of the culture itself and the baroque thought through the analyses of seven paradigmatic figures: 1) disguise and theater, 2) the mirror, 3) the skull, 4) the way (of life), 5) the book (of the world), 6) the strength (of ego), 7) the world as a buffoon head or the impossibility for one to know himself, paradigmatic figure that allows the synthesis of the baroque conception of identity –skeptic and ironic at once.


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How to Cite

González García, J. M. . (2003). The culture of baroque: Figures and ironies of identity. Devenires, 4(7), 125–165. Retrieved from


