Finite being and eternal being / Finite being and mortal being

Stein reader of Heidegger


  • Enrique Vladimir Muñoz Pérez Facultad de Filosofía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


ontology, hermeneutics, phenomenology, human being


Like many other philosophers, Edith Stein recognized the importance to German philosophy of Heidegger’s fundamental work, Being and Time (1927). The impact of this work was enormous in particular in the phenomenological circle of Freiburg. Edith Stein, who studied under Edmund Husserl, is no exception. The article seeks to show Stein identifies three main voids in Heidegger’s thinking: a) an integrative vision between body and soul, b) God’s omission and c) a treatment of death from a religious background.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Pérez, E. V. (2020). Finite being and eternal being / Finite being and mortal being: Stein reader of Heidegger. Devenires, 21(42), 33–53. Retrieved from


