Hermeneutic reflection in the 19th century: between romanticism and methodology


  • Carlos B. Gutierrez UNIANDES, UNAL


methodology, romanticism, 19th century, Hermeneutic reflection


How did the process occur by which hermeneutics went from being still in the 19th century an auxiliary discipline to becoming, with Heidegger and Gadamer, a philosophy? This paper aims to critically reconstruct that process. It begins by placing, in a first section, the emergence of hermeneutic reflection in the framework of romanticism, as another of the elements of the reaction against Kantian philosophy and its limiting dichotomous schemes. The second section presents and analyses the attempt at a philosophical foundation of the historical and cultural sciences ("sciences of the spirit") in terms of a theory of understanding with romantic roots. It discusses Droysen's work and, in particular, notes Dilthey's reflective movement, the ambiguity (or complexity) of his conception of hermeneutics, and the unresolved tension in him between the methodological demands of positivist scientificity and the recognition of the radical historicity of human life.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez, C. B. (2000). Hermeneutic reflection in the 19th century: between romanticism and methodology. Devenires, 1(1), 83–108. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/145


